Dynamic Module ImportingΒΆ

xlSlim can create Excel functions directly from Python code in the workbook.

If you would like to use this little function in Excel:

def is_palindrome(s): return s[::-1].lower()==s.lower()

Paste the code into an Excel cell:

Paste simple function text into Excel

Register a new Excel function with this CreatePyModule() formula:

Register simple function from text

And the new is_palindrome() function is available to use in Excel:

Call the new simple function

It is that easy to create Excel functions from Python code snippets!

Perhaps we would like to use this function in Excel:

from datetime import datetime

def seconds_between(d1:datetime,d2:datetime)->float:
        """Return the number of seconds between d1 and d2. """
        return (d2-d1).total_seconds()

As before, we paste the text into an Excel cell:

Paste longer function text into Excel


Alt-Enter can be used in Excel to create a new line in a cell.

And register a new Excel function with this CreatePyModule() formula:

Register longer function from text

And the new seconds_between() function is available to use in Excel:

Call longer function in Excel

Notice how the type hints and doc strings have been processed and used in the Excel function.


All the Python code and Excel files shown are available from github in the xlslim-code-samples repo. I highly recommend downloading the samples from github. The Excel workbooks contain many tips and tricks.